I wish to thank Kacy for including me in her tag, I have never been tagged personally before and it is super exciting. I have just returned from a 3 day trip to Izmir and I am a little loopy. With any luck, that will be to my benefit. Here I go.....
10 years ago...
I was getting ready to move from Texas to Illinois. My kids were 5 and 3. We had just adopted our cats, Dinah and Abby. We owned a Ford Escort station Wagon as I had not yet been issued my official Mormon mama minivan license.
5 Things on my to do list...
Wash the unpacked stuff.
Return Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4 to the library.
Find somewhere to live in San Antonio.
5 Snacks I enjoy...
Cool Ranch Doritos dipped in cottage cheese.
Candy ( I eat it like a Spaniard.)
Whatever you're having.
5 Foods I love...
Meat that isn't lamb.
American restaurants, all of them!!!
I am hungry right now, all I got on the plane was something called a "Pop Kek" which is like a stale Ding Dong with a hint of orange flavor. Pass.
What I would do right now if I suddenly became a billionaire...
AFTER I paid tithing (because THAT'S how I prioritize) I would buy a cabin somewhere in the Utah mountains, a house somewhere in Utah, a house in Maine, a new car, and put away for my kids' college. Then I would set up all my siblings and their families with whatever they wanted. Then I would travel in very expensive circles, eating meat that isn't lamb.
5 Places I have lived...
Favorite Quote...
"We must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always whirling, whirling, whirling towards freedom!" - The Simpsons
"Sometimes you can't help these people until they hit rock bottom- and by then you've lost interest." -Seinfeld
"Over the mysteries of female life there is drawn a veil best left undisturbed." - Little Women
There you have it, blogland, aren't you glad you tuned in?
Tune in next time for pictures from Meghann's trip to Germany and our travel report from Izmir.