Saturday, November 18, 2006

Don't Say the Word ""Bomb" in an Airport

I want to tell some of the story of our trip to Turkey. We left out of the Baltimore Airport. We were set to leave at 11:00 PM on September 11. A great day for flying, eh? We arrived at the airport at about 3:30, to give us plenty of time to check ourselves and the cats in. The poor kitties had been in their carriers about 2 hours by this time. After a lot of waiting, we were informed we would get to wait some more.
Our plane was delayed in Texas due to bad weather. 11:00 came and went. After that they would get our hopes up on a regular basis, saying the plane was about to take off from Texas. They lied, again and again they lied. We were getting tired, it was after 2 AM after all. After about the third time they told us we would be leaving in an hour, Sydney said she wished someone would just drop a bomb on the airport. Frustrated kid or future terrorist? It really sucked because the poor cats couldn't get out of their carriers and Abby was too freaked out to really eat or drink.

We finally got to board the plane around 5:00AM. So much for sleeping the whole trip to Turkey. By the time we landed in Turkey the cats had been cooped up for about 27 hours. We landed at 1:oo AM and were met by many more smiling faces than I ever expected at that time of the night.

This is a picture of Meg and Syd talking to Uncle Kelly as we waited and waited and waited....

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